The Heart of The Dragon - Bundle 1

15 March 2021

Wynter is a half-elf torn by his dark and mysterious past and his love for the elf maiden Arianna. As their travels lead them through the twilight world of Aria, a prophecy speaks of challenging the gods. While evil, once asleep, will test his love for Arianna and the world he lives in. With every turn, their challenges grow dark, and hope seems to dim as the oceans and skies themselves threaten to overwhelm Wynter and Arianna. As the chains of darkness close quickly and traps are set, Wynter must prove that his love for Arianna is stronger than ever. With a global war on the horizon, and the elves retreating from the world, Wynter realizes the great balance has shifted, and good is close to becoming lost. With magic that hasn’t been seen for centuries and love that will test the power of the gods, Wynter enlists the aid of others and welcomes a prophecy that he was fated to lead.

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